Magnus creates atmospheric and characterful images of people, that utilise light skilfully or maximise location. He appreciates photography most when he finds technical and conceptual ability used in equal measure, or when he finds a curious narrative that compels you to look again.
Over ten years in London Magnus worked with a wide range of clients including advertising agencies, TV companies and international organisations. He has recently returned to his native country of New Zealand where he continues to explore his craft.
Address250 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10003, United States
Phone+49 89 3567190
We’d love to hear about your project — say hi!
Andi Müller
+49 891 267 190
Maya Simens
+49 891 267 190
+49 891 267 190
Maya Simens
+49 891 267 190
1 Place Ville Marie, 21st floor
Montreal, Quebec H3B 2C6
Montreal, Quebec H3B 2C6